Born in 1981 in Burkina Faso, Hyacinthe Ouattara was trained in drawing live models, graffiti and painting before embarking on a personal journey within the artists’ group known as « les Autres yeux» (literally meaning « the Other Eyes») and contributing to the creation and development of the Hangar 11 workshop. Apart from pictorial art, he explores various forms of art: installations, video and photography as well as performance. The artist is committed to finding a true expression through elements in his environment.
He is living in France and he travels frequently in Europa and West Africa where he presents his work. In his painting, he develops expressionism anchored on primitivism and human forms, which are often ghostly. His drawings are spontaneous, with gestures, human nature, and perhaps more childish. His installations feature a combination of different materials, everyday objects (often textile), out of their daily contexts: large canvas paintings, photography and video, sound, …. and are three dimensional in nature. He also has an obsession for hanging models, shoes, clothes, mobile and immobile objects to pose the question of balance and imbalance, as well as reflecting on memory.